Established to protect and manage a huge, one million-acre rainforest reserve, Iwokrama holds records for the number of its bat (90) and fresh water fish (420) species. There have been over 500 species of birds recorded including five of macaw, 24 species of hummingbirds, and 29 species of raptors (including harpy eagle, crested eagle and osprey). Mammal highlights include eight species of primates (red howler monkey, spider monkey, brown capuchin, wedge-capped capuchin, squirrel monkey, bearded saki, white-faced saki and golden-handed tamarin), two species of sloth, giant anteater, giant river otter, Brazilian tapir, giant armadillo, deer, peccary and wild dog. Despite this richness, the wildlife tends to be wary and sightings can be infrequent. The station has a fairly good record of big cat sightings, particularly jaguar and ocelot – luck is needed, but many guests have had unforgettable encounters with wild felines. There is also a wonderful canopy platform giving a real bird’s-eye view of the forest.

Highlights of Guyana
Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve
Accommodation Near
Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve
Located right on the edge of the Essequibo River, surrounded by huge swathes of pristine rainforest