Canal Zone
Canopy Tower
A birdwatcher’s idyll, the Canopy Tower is a converted former US military listening post. You can see the huge 30ft orb on the viewing platform at the top of the cylindrical metal structure, where the electronic surveillance equipment was housed.
The lodge is located at 900ft above sea level on top of Semaphore Hill, in tall, semi-deciduous rainforest in the heart of Soberanía National Park. There are trails through the surrounding forest, and a ten-minute drive takes you to the gate of the famous Pipeline Road that runs for 11 miles through wetter forests of Soberanía.
The lodge offers 12 comfortable rooms with two suites, five twin rooms and five single rooms. The suites and twin rooms have a private bathroom and hot water, whilst the single rooms have shared facilities. All rooms are located at tree top level and offer spectacular views of the surrounding bird-filled forest canopy.
Private bathrooms with hot water, restaurant, forest canopy viewing platform
Local Wildlife
Almost 600 bird species, at least 256 varieties of butterfly, 57 mammal species including three- and two-toed sloths, and silky anteater.
Optional Activities
Birdwatching mainly, but also general nature walks, visits to local attractions such as the Panama Canal and old Panama City

John Melton
Area Specialist
The Blue Cotinga Suite is the best room. This lodge is very much for birders, so if you’re not that keen on birds, it’s best to choose an alternative.
If you have any questions regarding our Panama tours, please feel free to contact me on +44 (0)1803 866965
Panama was a fascinating and extraordinary country. The pleasing thing was to see its immense areas of rainforest, i.e the Darien. An amazing place. We encountered many different Panamanians and what came across to us was their pride in their country. This holiday was amazing, all the things we like doing and seeing and more. Thank you so much for all your hard work in making this a holiday to remember and savour long after our return, and at such short notice!