Gulf of Chiriqui Region
ANAM Field Station
The ANAM Field Station offers simple accommodation on the island of Coiba, 7 hours by road south west of Panama City (you can also fly to David) and 1½ hours by boat off the Pacific Coast.
The 194-square mile island of Coiba, 38 smaller islands and the surrounding marine areas in the Gulf of Chiriqui are all part of the UNESCO World Heritage Coiba National Park and Special Zone of Marine Protection.
Coiba has remained so unspoilt because for many years it was a penal colony, the ruins of which can be seen today. The island has exceptionally high levels of endemism and a great diversity of marine fauna offshore – it’s a great base for diving trips, and the snorkelling is good too.
The station offers simple 2-room cabins with air-conditioning. Each room has 5–6 beds and a shared bathroom. There is electricity between 1900 and 0600. A pillow and sheets are provided but you must bring your own towels.
Local Wildlife
760 species of fish including 33 species of shark and numerous whale and dolphin species.
Optional Activities
Boat trips in the mangroves and to outlying islands. Diving and snorkelling. Walks in the interior. Visit the thermal pools.

John Melton
Area Specialist
Ask dive shop staff if whale sharks are currently in the area – if so you could snorkel with them.
If you have any questions regarding our Panama tours, please feel free to contact me on +44 (0)1803 866965
Excellent and very enjoyable holiday. Panama definitely offers plenty to occupy a three-week trip (and more).