Back in May, we received a selection of some of the best tiger pictures we have ever seen, taken by Richard Barrett on his Reef and Rainforest tour to India. He visited both Ranthambore and Tadoba Andhari National Parks.
“Ranthambore was absolutely superb in a different league to all the other tiger reserves I have visited. An amazing experience. We had 28 tiger encounters involving 49 tigers, with some encounters lasting for hours, in one case 9 hours in total! Ranthambore is on my must-visit list for tigers.”
“Tadoba Andhari was good, but not superb. Sightings were less frequent, often marred by dozens of other vehicles at the sighting. And after so many tiger encounters in Ranthambore, we switched half the games drives in Tadoba away from tigers, concentrating on finding Wild Dogs and Sloth Bear. 5 Tiger encounters involving 9 tigers, and also 6 wild dogs and 8 sloth bears.”
Below are a selection of some of his best pictures (Copyright Richard Barrett):

You can see more of his superb photos by visiting the gallery on his website: